About Me

On my 14th birthday I received a little red box. In that box was my very first tarot deck, a battered old edition of the Hermetic Tarot. I quickly fell in love with its mystical illustrations, and the surprised gasps of shock and knowing chuckles when I gave readings to my friends and family. Soon my cards and I had gained a reputation for perceptive insight, and I had joined a long tradition of card readers using Tarot to help those around them.


As my interest in the world of fortune telling grew, I discovered other methods such as the I Ching, or the Chinese Book of Changes. I stumbled across my first copy amongst the crammed shelves of my local bookshop and was immediately enchanted by this powerful divination method with over 5000 years of history. After learning the traditional way of generating an I Ching hexagram with coins I began to give insightful predictions and advice to people about their love lives, careers, and all of life’s twists and turns.


I’ve now built a wealth of experience from years of reading tarot personally and professionally. I’ve read at many events including society galas, the Cambridge May Balls, and even on a boat party sailing along the river Thames. I’ve read for one-to-one clients of all ages from all walks of life, providing insightful and startling revelations on careers, family relationships, love lives and next steps. I look forward to helping you shape your future!